roysworld: the world according to roy

technologist, magician, father. not necessarily in that order.


24 May 2007


I'm a big fan of open-source: I use an open-source OS, MP3 server and edit this website using and open-source blogging tool. This is a first for me though: an open source recipe for cola called, you guessed it, OpenCola. Here's what they say:

While Pepsi and Coca-Cola (and others) closely guard their secrets to making cola beverages, several organizations have released their own recipes. Here is the recipe for homemade "OpenCola," an open-source cola beverage that invites makers to create and modify their recipe to achieve a better beverage. It is licensed under the GNU General Public License.

I love the way it is under GNU GPL and notice on the same page are links to other open-source beverages such as cherry-cola and ginger ale.


Hello. My name is Roy. I live in rural Oxfordshire.

This is my blog. I write about things that interest me, make me laugh or that I want to remember.